Moje pytania

Q: why i can't bind my mobula 7hd

zapytał hector100extremo na 2020-07-22 13:38:03

RicBorgs If your Mobula 7 uses an integrated receiver, it is probably D8 protocol and you have 2 solutions. You can install an Frsky RX with D16, which is cheaper, or if you have several quads with D8 you shou... Zobacz więcej

2021-06-13 10:09:13 Pomocny (0)
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Q: como conecto mi drone al mano?

zapytał hector100extremo na 2019-11-19 11:41:44

Samchan Please check the user manual.

2019-11-30 00:51:55 Pomocny (0)
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