Moje pytania

Q: what's better: x1 or c21

zapytał BG413251155 na 2022-03-27 12:09:39

an_triantaf I 've got X1 but C21 if it is at the same price looks more impressive at the way it presents the measurements via its coloured screen!

2022-04-02 05:33:35 Pomocny (0)
Odpowiedzi (3)

Q: What's better: c21 or x1

zapytał BG413251155 na 2022-03-27 12:09:06

DreamQuest I will not buy this tester again, can not see anything outdoors on the screen

2022-03-29 04:02:22 Pomocny (1)
Odpowiedzi (1)