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Derrick Toussaint yes and it work really well I'm thinking about hookup a few more

2021-10-14 09:37:25 Pomocny (0)
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Q: can this be hookup to a rc receiver

zapytał Derrick Toussaint na 2021-05-24 05:07:40

Oth_zenGeta try

2021-06-02 08:54:58 Pomocny (0)
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Q: What do I plug this into if going into an Rc truck?

zapytał BG531633403 na 2021-05-04 01:34:53

Derrick Toussaint 1s battery it doesn't have to be a big battery I get about 25 minutes on 250mh battery

2021-05-04 04:55:20 Pomocny (0)
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