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BG231016432 good? what does that mean? I give that review two thumbs down. what’s good the band, the screen, the way it works? if you were thinking of buying this would good be enough for you?

BG181544945 10/01/2020
Komentarze (5)

BG231016432 why is it good? poor review. do you know what a product review means?

guipereiravalente 09/01/2020
Komentarze (1)

BG231016432 give a review after you used it. a review that it’s in good condition means nothing if it doesn’t work.

Vutru 11/12/2019
Komentarze (1)

BG231016432 what’s great? the packaging? two thumbs down on this review

big_kappa69 05/01/2020
Komentarze (1)

BG231016432 what’s good? the packaging? that’s what some people are reviewing. so good does nothing.

osolmaz 07/01/2020
Komentarze (1)

BG231016432 why review if you haven’t even tried it? why do we need to know it”looks” good?

martin 08/01/2020
Komentarze (1)

Q: Can I connect it to lead acid battery??

zapytał waqas na 2018-07-13 02:43:33

jolros You can try it; don’t answer if you don’t know. We want helpful information

2020-01-10 11:52:39 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (16)