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capercouple11 iupgraded mine to a 7.4 volt battery and it has much more power but i can not guarantee that it will not burn out the board eventually

2022-11-16 06:05:06 Pomocny (0)
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capercouple11 the goggles you certainly can,as for the transmitter im not to sure but i think it will bind to other emax tinyhawk drones

2022-02-27 11:47:52 Pomocny (0)
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Q: can i use this for noble4 transmitter?

zapytał Wisnher2019 na 2021-12-29 10:19:09

capercouple11 check your radios manual,it should say what protocols it has in it

2021-12-30 04:09:36 Pomocny (0)
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Q: H I do we get one of this item or 3

zapytał BG944111349 na 2021-12-19 10:32:25

capercouple11 when i ordered these i got 3 of them for $30 some dollars

2021-12-20 04:22:07 Pomocny (1)
odpowiedzi (3)