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kevintucker777 The temperature you are seeing is the Operational Temperature of the unit. Used if interested in knowing the ambient temperature during a particular measurement. There is no direct way to take a temperature measurement other than putting the entire unit in the environment you are testing. Hope this helps

2021-07-02 10:44:23 Pomocny (1)
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Q: Serve para controlar um motor de climatização de um automóvel?

zapytał jose.h.batista na 2019-10-11 11:50:50

kevintucker777 Podefuncionar porque a tenso de entrada de 6 a 60 vCC e a maioria dos carros de 12v CC. O consumo atual do ventilador deve ser menor que 30A. Mas no tenho certeza se recomendaria essa abordagem.

2020-07-30 01:34:36 Pomocny (0)
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