Wszystkie wiadomości

Q: Hi, is the laser triple or single three colour laser? Thanks

zapytał Bateto na 2023-01-03 05:43:55

TommyHDT This is chinese UI worthless abroad. I am having an issue right now, not fully functional as intended. Do not suggest to buy from here

2023-02-04 10:20:09 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (2)

Q: what language is the menu? Chinese or English?

zapytał gogi79 na 2023-01-31 03:24:37

TommyHDT Fakking all chinese bro, not working for international user i am having an insolvent issue right now!!

2023-02-04 10:18:54 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (2)