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Instrukcje montażu mogą być bardziej przejrzyste, ale po pewnym czasie wszystko poszło na miejsce pomyślnie. Krzesło jest bardzo wygodne i regulowane, tylko brak szansy na obracanie podłokietnika do wewnątrz/na zewnątrz i odpoczynek nóg też byłby fajny. Siedzenie jest bardzo wygodne! Bardzo się cieszę!
Probably the best buy I` ve made for years! One of the most comfortable chairs I' ve ever sit on! The support on my back is excellent! You can adjust almost anything! I love it! Few bad things that happened are: It arrived 3 days delayed, but this responsibility of Greek ACS. The box had a cut on its one side and was squashed on one upper edge. The result was that two plastics were broken. One that hides the absorber and an other that covers the point where the back of the chair connects with the base. I am not happy, but I can live with this damage. The assembly manual was 4 pictures only. If you are a frequent IKEA customer you will not have any issues with the assembly. The Allen key that was included was helpful in general, but it was not easy to tighten the screws of the mechanism under the bottom of the chair. If you are thinking of buying the chair, an electric screwdriver with the proper Allen bit, is a must. Unfortunately I don't have that bit. The mechanism is heavy and durable, so I think that I will enjoy this chair for many years. Excellent product!