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C21 Digital Clamp meter with a lot of good functions. Included in the box were the Clamp Meter itself, a pair of Positive and Negative probes, a temperature-sensing probe, and an instruction manual in the English language - no other languages are included. It takes 2 AAA batteries (not supplied) with the battery door cover held in place with a single screw. The device itself seems to be well made and is a little heavier than I was expecting. It includes a large, crisp, and clear LCD display that can be easily read during the day, or when in low-light conditions. Included is a small white LED that sits between the two clamps that can be switched on to provide enough light to be able to see what you are doing during low-light conditions. The C21 Clamp meter measures AC Current 400A max (+ or - 2.5%), DC current 400A max (+ or - 2.5%), DC Voltage up to 600V (+ or - 0.5%), AC Voltage up to 600V (+ or - 0.8%), Line on-off test (buzzer sounds when less than 50 ohms), Resistance 600 ohms - 60M ohms (+ or - 0.8%), Diode (resolution 1 V, with accuracy 0.001V, Capacitance 60nF - mF (+ or - 2.5%), Temperature -40 to 1000 degrees C, or -40 to 1832 degrees F (+ or - 1%), Frequency 60Hz - 1000Hz (+ or - 1%). My own testing seems to be within those ranges but can differ depending on where the cable is positioned within the Clamp. For the price, this is a reasonable device and will get you the information you need. Overall, its build quality is excellent and small enough to be transportable. A great addition to a tool bag.
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