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skyherokokkie 29/03/2019
nice epp lots of carbon, only thing where is the COG?
Komentarze (8)
  • Pilatus Iasked Baggood's customer support for Details about the center of gravity. Now i'm still awaiting for a Response. Without the COG precise adjusted it make no sense to try to fly his fixedwing - it would be esaier to crush it by foot !

    Odpowiadać 02/04/2019
  • Bentley supposed to be on the black foam near the motor right on the edge. or where the motor mount is.

    Odpowiadać 06/04/2019
  • banggood @Pilatus Dear customer,

    Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    Could you please tell us more information about your problem via these links?

    Personal Computer:


    We will do our best to assist you after we receive the email.

    Thanks for your understanding and have a nice day.

    Best regards,

    Banggood Team

    Odpowiadać 18/04/2019
  • silversmith69 @banggood cog

    Odpowiadać 11/06/2019
  • silversmith69 @banggood gravity

    Odpowiadać 11/06/2019
  • silversmith69 @banggood gravity

    Odpowiadać 11/06/2019
  • Jhawk @Bentley Lookslike its mentioned in step 12, at the base of the motor.

    Odpowiadać 19/06/2019
  • NMW where the motor count is

    Odpowiadać 24/06/2020
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