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zrnkiw2 26/06/2023
looks like i will be the first to review this. pros: cool looking shell, 2 sets of tyres, strong and beefy drivetrain, newer battery strap system cons: heavy, too much toe out, tyres v hard compound
Komentarze (5)
  • BG152295235 Doesit support 3S? Have you tried it?

    Odpowiadać 27/06/2023
  • zrnkiw2 i do not recommend 3s. the rear differential is not strong enough.

    Odpowiadać 28/06/2023
  • BG113217145 broo, una pregunta, que tal su velocidad??, y lo recomiendas??

    Odpowiadać 07/07/2023
  • smooth There’s no adjustment for the toe out?? Most RTR’s come like that. They do that because it’s more stable for beginners. But it scrubs speed. Faster if you can adjust and make both tires straight. If it had toe in it would be uncontrollable. The rear has a slight toe in. That’s ok. Hopefully you can adjust it. Or you can get longer threaded rods. If too long cut them. Was thinking about getting one. But if you can’t adjust it. I don’t know now. Let us know Pls

    Odpowiadać 22/12/2023
  • BG047171423 @smooth looking at 4th photo, the tie rods are definitely adjustable..

    Odpowiadać 25/04/2024
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