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Željko Lucky @ЗВЕРКА како си прошао на царини са дроним? Колико су ти вредновати дрон? Јел продавац ставио ову цену са сајта или мању? Имамам намеру да поручим па би значило твоје искуство.

3BEPKA 20/08/2021
Komentarze (14)

Željko Lucky How this dron is moving indoors? Is it useful to fly inside apartment or house?

DjMiahX 21/05/2021
Fellow Pilots, after reading many of your reviews, watching numerous videos online, and taking my first step towards a true gimbal drone, with anxiety at tilt due to the mixed reviews, non the less, I am ecstatic! BG details first; purchased the Obsticle Avoidance version with bag and one battery, received in exactly 15 days. The box was nearly flawless, it's contents in pristine condition. One thing I would've preferred was better shipping updates and details. That's BG Shipping. On to the drone, the SG906 Max, yes, also labeled as the BEAST 3. At first glance, I was impressed by the bag, made of a durable, thick walled Oxford type material, with sturdy handle and strap, embroidered with the new ZLL logo, and form fit internal padding to secure everything within. The drone itself is just as is named, a beast. Strong and sturdy, boasting the 7.6v 3400mAh battery, micro SD card slot, and the new top located panel for the laser avoidance system. Easily pry open the panel, and click in place the fully automated laser scanner. **Negative issue: Removal of Avoidance System unit is a bit difficult, and I worry if not done correctly, it'll be easy to pop the laser head clean off it's base. The drone flies fast and smooth, almost effortless considering its overall weight and size. You have your choice of a few apps now, I first ran with the "ZLL" app, not the app the QC code directed me to. I tested the "Circle Me", "Point Trajectory Flight" and other various functions, all with outstanding response and delivery. I was especially surprised at it's "Return to Home" accuracy falling within just 1 meter of the landing pad each time. Even though I know "Touch and Go's" drain a drone battery much faster, I was able to perform 3 "T&G's" and still hit 24 min. of flight time in semi windy conditions. The video was crisp and clear, with only two moments of jello like fluidity in the video while starting the "RTH" function. Gimbal response was impressive. *More2Come
Komentarze (8)

BG432513856 Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please contact the customer service center. We will answer you as soon as possible.

2021-06-09 07:43:02 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (1)

Q: Hi, is that Wear OS watch?

zapytał denisle1981 na 2020-06-10 10:16:41

Željko Lucky Can it measure blood pressure and hart rate?

2020-09-03 01:59:15 Pomocny (1)
odpowiedzi (14)

Ugljesa It is possible to transmit bigger data rates (300 MBPS in this case) over the 802.11N interface, even it's on 2.4 GHz.

2020-08-21 06:51:37 Pomocny (1)
odpowiedzi (1)