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bon1121 soldering iron only!

2022-07-01 07:46:34 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (5)

bon1121 you have to modify the case a bit to be grounded, it is easy and there are many videos on yt

2022-07-01 07:46:13 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (2)

Q: Favor, elas servem no Quicko t12-942?

zapytał BG349134155 na 2021-06-22 03:08:35

bon1121 same tips, go ahead.

2022-02-21 04:26:48 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (3)

bon1121 push the tip all the way in. If error still there, contact support.

2022-02-21 04:26:29 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (4)

bon1121 The 2027 uses t7 tips afaik, so, I guess not.

2021-12-27 08:45:44 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (3)

Q: how can I purchase the older version of the handle (907)

zapytał raymgee na 2020-01-21 07:40:20

bon1121 the 907 handle is actually newer. You can buy it searching for ksger t12 handle 907. Imho, the 9501 is superior though.

2021-12-12 11:44:25 Pomocny (0)
odpowiedzi (2)