
GreenscOOps the standard firmware only allow you to use 6 channels. you need to buy the firmware update cable and download the custom firmware from github.

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GreenscOOps there is no configuring the gps but yes on screen display can be setup to show distance to the home point which only works if you have a gps on your craft.

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Q: Can i Connect the receiver with 7,4volt 800mah lipo and bec?

zapytał alextattoo na 2020-01-06 11:42:08

GreenscOOps as long as the BEC outputs 5v. You don't want to plug a 2s lipo directly into the receiver.

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Q: Does this works with the FC Racestar Star F4s 30a

zapytał armandomonroyph na 2019-10-29 18:40:19

GreenscOOps it will work with any flight controller that's has a spare UART.

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Q: does this ESC work with any brushless motor

zapytał Utsav Atul na 2018-02-07 08:01:42

GreenscOOps any brushless motor that has a maximum current draw of less than 30 amps

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Q: Which side on top of this GPS unit, please? Thanks in advance!

zapytał SilverSurfer na 2018-06-29 09:22:49

GreenscOOps antenna side up. the side with the little dot in the middle.

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