
Q: will this be ok for 124019

zapytał mick bates na 2021-04-25 18:06:43

DjMiahX I apologize, but that sounds backwards to me. can someone explain this one for me please, I may have this all backwards. I thought KV roughly translates to RPM. Wouldn't a drift car want more revolutions with the higher KV value?

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DjMiahX An iPad doesn't offer GPS signal, so all you will have is video transmission, and the range is shorter than with my phone. I have purchased a tablet holder for this transmitter and a tablet with GPS, and I really enjoy it!

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DjMiahX Refer to the new "XiL Pro" App software in the "Instructions " tab for exact recommendations. I use XiL Pro with my SG906 Max and it recommends an iPhone 6 or greater with its optimal found in iPhone 7 and above. Samsung Exynos 7420 for recommended and optimal found at 8895 and above. I have personally flown with a Samsung S20Ultra, Galaxy 9+ without issue. I've also used an iPad Air 2 running software version 14.5.1, but that was with video connectivity only. Whatever you choose to fly with, it must support IEEE 802.11 a b g n AC, IE, the 5g band WLAN. Keep in mind, there are other apps available, this was the app that was referred to in the QR code on the fuselage of my SG906 Max. Hope this helps!

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Q: What is the weight of drone including battery?

zapytał BG184150135 na 2021-05-15 19:26:18

DjMiahX Keep in mind these are weights I measured on my personal drone and accessories. All weights will vary from unit to unit, especially the batteries. SG906MAX without EVO installed but with micro SD card installed: 415.6g EVO Laser Unit: 15.5 Battery: Range from 155.1g to 160.2g

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