
HazzahFPV It claims about 228g. When I look online at other 2S 6500mah Lipos, that seems to be in the normal range (I've seen from 200g at the low end up to about 290g at the high end with solid case lipos). Maybe you accidentally compared it to a 5500 3S?

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Q: Is it for 1mm or 1.5mm shaft?

zapytał tane86 na 2024-05-29 03:44:36

HazzahFPV It works for both. I think the pin has 0.8mm diameter, so it also works for the smaller 0.9mm prop-holes.

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Q: quantas baterias vem nessa máquina

zapytał BG854325365 na 2024-02-17 16:29:16

HazzahFPV If you can't read the product description, you probably can't read my answer either ¯\_(ツ)_|¯ 2

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HazzahFPV Brake on stop: Brake on stop can be enabled or disabled. When enabled, brake will be applied when throttle is zero. For nonzero throttle, this setting has no effect.

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