
Q: Does this work on BAOFENG BF-888s?

zapytał BG164834351 na 2021-04-15 13:50:11

BG451841525 Itdepends on the jacks (or adapter pins-jacks) used. If you set the proper adapter, BT transmitter will plug

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Q: Is this compatible with iPhone?

zapytał pedroleitealves na 2020-11-23 12:17:12

BG451841525 Connectionto wire is USB. I believe if you use an iPhone USB cable, it will work.

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Q: Convient pour UV-9R Plus ?

zapytał Amedee na 2019-08-03 01:07:12

BG451841525 Jepense qu' vaudra bien pour tous les UV-9R

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BG451841525 Ibelieve there is no difference between both models and accesories can be shared. Is important to check if the connector has same size and number of pins.

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Q: The frequency range is from 130 to 170mhz yes?

zapytał TatiTV na 2021-01-20 11:40:49

BG451841525 Yes,for the lower band I believe is 130 to 170. I am using just the range 140-160, dont know the exact limits.

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