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RagTheNutsOff 13/06/2020
This is an ultralight, well made little model. Just been out and flown it and.... it rocks. Definitely not a good choice as first time model, you'll want to laminate or at least put packing tape on the wing tips as they are very flimsy and tape or lam on the leading edges to keep them nice. The drift will "fly for days" om a 2S battery. Cannot wait to set it up with FPV & iNav. Also set the elevator servo on the middle control horn hole with 50% or more expo in the Tx, plus the CG is incorrect, go for ~3mm in front of the mark to be safe as its no fun when tail heavy. Matt PS. Fits into a back pack easily & defo not one for ragging its nuts off ;)
Komentarze (9)
  • ridgeracer Do you think the stock power system could be used with a Lion battery?

    Odpowiadać 23/06/2020
  • BG135293850 キットにはバッテリー、充電器は含まれますか?またカメラは付属されますか?カメラでの動画撮影は出来ますか?

    Odpowiadać 27/06/2020
  • stuartgstubbs Maybe if he wrote correct English I could understand what he's trying to say. I'm confused that it's been given 5 stars and there appear to be criticisms in the post.

    Odpowiadać 02/10/2020
  • MarcoLau thanks 🙏 for the insights Matt! love the channel 👍

    Odpowiadać 03/12/2020
  • markasmithson66 @stuartgstubbs rideracer if you click on the message you'll get a translate button which actually says:
    Does the kit include batteries and chargers? Is a camera included? Is it possible to shoot movies with the camera?

    Odpowiadać 03/12/2020
  • Alan1963 Thanks for the tip (rag) ive not flown mine yet but when weather picks up I will try it, Im a 1st timer so fingers crossed

    Odpowiadać 03/05/2021
  • TheProud @BG135293850 No batterie, no charger and no camera (only in the FPV variant). It's only the plane with servos, motor, propeller and ESC.

    Odpowiadać 30/07/2021
  • pumuky222 d gymq va da de de de

    Odpowiadać 30/04/2024
  • pumuky222 @stuartgstubbs ofsay

    Odpowiadać 30/04/2024
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