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BillR 13/10/2020
Fantastic value. I broke my first one but this second one arrived every quickly! Thank you. I had a bit of trouble understanding the manual, even the English words but got the Chinese translated. Most of the settings are clear but here is the full list. P0 is to set whether you are controlling heating or cooling. P1 is the temperature difference between the on and off settings. I was controlling a cooling fan to turn on at 25 degrees and off at 20 degrees so P1 is 5 degrees. P2 Sets the Max temperature WHEN you want COOLING! It will be the temp at which the fan turns on - eg 25 deg in the example above. P3 Sets the minimum temperature when you want HEATING. The object being controlled will drop to ths temperature then the heating system will turn on to raise the temperature by P1 temperature. P4 is to calibrate the system to actual temperatures should that be important. The rest of the settings are reasonable clear. Good luck! My application switches a fan to cool motors in my model boat when they get too hot.
Komentarze (1)
  • okokok thanks! does it have a defrost feature by any chance?

    Odpowiadać 13/12/2020
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