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Najlepsza pozytywna recenzja dla %s na Banggood, Kupuj najlepiej %s w najniższej cenie na Banggood. Przed zakupem przejrzyj najbardziej pomocne pozytywne recenzje dotyczące %s., zabawki rc, sport rozrywkowy, moda, popularna elektronika
BrunoLuz 16/04/2021
It's a decent computer for the price. It's plastic but with good quality. The power cable could be longer, it's too short. Good for light browsing in the Internet, not very powerful but very usable, for the price you could not ask better. I give it 5 starts, good quality for what you pay. The keyboard it's english, don't forget about that.
Komentarze (4)
  • immaeffe what do you think of this laptop? is it usable for everyday tasks like office work, web surfing, light graphic work? audio is good with headphones? how's the screen? Sorry for all these questions but I need to buy a cheap laptop because my Lenovo miix has dire 😅

    Odpowiadać 29/04/2021
  • rogerioosvaldolopes Boa noite, tou a pensar adquirir um destes, mas tenho receio de ser taxado na alfândega, correu tudo bem contigo.Obrigado

    Odpowiadać 29/06/2021
  • rogerioosvaldolopes Boa noite, estou a pensar adquirir este modelo, mas tenho receio de ser taxado na alfândega.Contigo correu bem?E o portátil têm estado ok? Agradeço desde já o teu tempo e esclarecimento, muito obrigado.

    Odpowiadać 29/06/2021
  • BG573744224 Compras uns autocolantes com o layout em português e fica prefeito para o preço que é!

    Odpowiadać 06/09/2021
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