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Najlepsza pozytywna recenzja dla %s na Banggood, Kupuj najlepiej %s w najniższej cenie na Banggood. Przed zakupem przejrzyj najbardziej pomocne pozytywne recenzje dotyczące %s., zabawki rc, sport rozrywkowy, moda, popularna elektronika
bitinas 16/01/2024
Greitas pristatymas. Gavau jau 4 versijos. Viskas veikia puikiai. Nešioju akinius, bet puikiai tinka, nieks nekliuna. Rekomenduoju.
Komentarze (5)
  • BG431519349 Bro, hello! Is it V2 or V4 version of the googles?

    Odpowiadać 30/01/2024
  • SamS121 Samequstion

    Odpowiadać 14/02/2024
  • Randy78 There'sno such thing as a V4 version, if you go to the website of Skyzone they only sell the V2 version. If a V4 would exist they would sell it themselves, don't you think? Also, if you look on YouTube you will not find any reviews for a V4 version (or a V3 version for that matter), only V2 (and V1).

    Odpowiadać 21/02/2024
  • Randy78 @SamS121 There'sno such thing as a V4 version, if you go to the website of Skyzone they only sell the V2 version. If a V4 would exist they would sell it themselves, don't you think? Also, if you look on YouTube you will not find any reviews for a V4 version (or a V3 version for that matter), only V2 (and V1).

    Odpowiadać 21/02/2024
  • Randy78 @BG431519349 Thereis no such thing as a V4 version, if you go to the website of Skyzone they only sell the V2 version. If a V4 existed, would they not sell it themselves? Also, if you search on YouTube you will not find any reviews for a V4 version (or a V3 version for that matter), only V2 (and V1).

    Odpowiadać 21/02/2024
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