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Najlepsza pozytywna recenzja dla %s na Banggood, Kupuj najlepiej %s w najniższej cenie na Banggood. Przed zakupem przejrzyj najbardziej pomocne pozytywne recenzje dotyczące %s., zabawki rc, sport rozrywkowy, moda, popularna elektronika
AdamD 03/02/2018
I brought this charger/balancer form Banggood T610 - and i am very happy. But what about over-discharge protection? So, i brought this 3S protection board. I have tested the cutoff voltage and it is at about 2,33V. This is ok if you are draining your batteries with high current, because you have a fair amound of voltage drop. But it is low if you are using low current. You have to apply charging voltage to overide the "lock" after the over-dischard cutoff and the voltage must be above 2,9V in each battery to do that. I also did the some tests to this 2s protection board and it is really good and cheap.
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