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CommandoBot 08/08/2018
It works for USB-A and USB-C types .... and provides many many functions including graphical current display over time and similar things. The only thing that bothered me, was setting the language. I was playing around for at least one hour. I tried to get in every menu and tried to change settings to find the language setting (I am not able to read / understand Mandarin) ... The trick then was to press the set key for apx. 6 seconds ... then another level of setup menu appears where the entry was even named "language" ... I can understand that a full manual is not state of the art any longer (since most people didn't read it anyway ;o) ...) but a small note how to change the language settings would have been extremely time saving ... Once this hazzle is taken the menu entries can be understood ... Overall I am very satisfied ... But I almost wanted to return it since I didn't believe any longer that English setting is available at all. Please add this information to the product description or include a small note :) ...
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