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TrevorBrasch 07/01/2018
Works very well with Betaflight 3.2.0 and up. I also used a GPS and it works fine on UART 3. Frsky s.bus receiver works fine with Betaflight straight away connected to UART 6rx like instructions say.. Notes for iNav. This only works with iNav above 1.7.4 (which no longer exists), so you have to use 1.8.0 and above. The iNav firmware does NOT invert the s.bus signal. To use Frsky receivers you must do the inversion hack or build an external hardware inverter. See this site to know how to connect to the correct pin on the Frsky Rx to get un-inverted s.bus signal that does wort on UART 6 rx on this flight controller.
Komentarze (2)
  • gryzli133 did you try using CLI: set sbus_inversion = OFF / ON jQuery19104733587183313295_1525328149830

    Odpowiadać 03/05/2018
  • Peter Can6t find omnibusf4sd in inav. which did you use in Inav?

    Odpowiadać 24/11/2018
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