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BG441516430 18/01/2019
The engineering on this little beam engine is superb! Must oil all movement points. The shorter the wick, the better. May take 10 minutes or more to boil water (like a bigger steam engine does) and start your run , but worth the wait. If it runs within 5 minutes of lighting, the flame is still to big. Filling 1/2 full with water was a 20 minute run time after up to a boil. Setting the engine on a tissue really quiets the operation. No need to remove piston to oil, just a tiny drop to the side of it, same for valve shaft. Engine upper plate showed up to 150F, but burner base can be handled fine. Clean enough to run on kitchen table. A little beauty and great value. Also, surprising power, enough to ........? Safety never did open. One of my favs.
Komentarze (1)
  • arima נ נלבצ--23גבב ד ש ד שדבבסדבגג222----2222222222²222222222222::2::::::

    Odpowiadać 25/07/2021
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