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ekwesh 12/07/2022
Despite that it's not the X-30 (but the GZ20), I don't know if it's PMR, because it does not communicate with ny other PMR radios. It has 20 channels (whyjQuery1113028071269024886814_1657620576216? - PMR has 16 channels) and of cource I can't change frequencies to match PMR. The menu has only two options, channel and volume and the manual (pamphlet to be exact) is in perfect Chinese, but my Chinese is too poor to read it. Otherwise, it's a beautibul radio, but unfortunately unusable for me now.
Komentarze (1)
  • Petr OK1RP Andwhat about programming it using USB cable first...?:)

    Odpowiadać 05/10/2022
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