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BG225573163 13/06/2022
On a cloudy day - almost dusk 16:10h, DC output is 25.84 volts with open circuit, USB type C to type C successfully charges my phone with a 13500mA battery.The workmanship is high quality, the product does not look cheap, the fabric is waterproof. I highly recommend this iMars solar charger, also and the seller.👍👍👍
Komentarze (2)
  • marco Hi, is it still working fine? Is the efficiency still the same after many uses?

    Odpowiadać 16/12/2022
  • BG225573163 Hi,no any difference for the time I used it. Full time 12v 65AH battery charger ...

    Odpowiadać 20/12/2022
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