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BG715142237 03/11/2021
showed up looking fine but on inspection.. the rudder cap that supposed to cover the flight controller plug is missing And the side injection mold piece The whole for the flight controller plug is not in the right spot and they had to physically remove material from the ejection mold in order to get it to lineup I think that's why the rubber piece is missing because it wouldn't fit anymore Also if I was to make this again I would eliminate the plug in the back and the 3rd picture covered with red heat shrink I would cut that off and just sautter those wires directly to the nano RX Just because there's not a lot of room there to try to get it all Out of the way of damage
Komentarze (12)
  • BG371546569 Men. What is this, have got old version. This is not this product

    Odpowiadać 07/11/2021
  • BG715142237 what are you talking about that's what I received... that was straight out of the box... all I did was install the crossfire nano rx I ordered a pnp and the side plate was all cut out like you see in the picture out of the box... why else would I have posted..

    Odpowiadać 08/11/2021
  • BG715142237 yes it is ..

    Odpowiadać 08/11/2021
  • BG371546569 Your fc have got usb micro, not usb c why?

    Odpowiadać 10/11/2021
  • BG715142237 I don't know 😕 I mean I just ordered it from here and this is what I received. so what you saying is this is a older model of the evoque ? is there a updated version with USB C? also are you the seller or just someone like myself trying get some gear to use?

    Odpowiadać 11/11/2021
  • BG715142237 yeah the fc stack is changed.. wish I wasn't a newbie 😕 unfortunately I didn't notice that the fc plug was supposed to be USB C... this add isn't correct and I'll be calling bangood about this. I can't believe this I have pictures showing the difference under the top plate but can't add then 😕 the fc is definitely not right because the plug on mine is different

    Odpowiadać 14/11/2021
  • BG111538371 Hey, I’ve gotten exactly the same side not type-C port without cover. I’m quite disappointed

    Odpowiadać 16/11/2021
  • BG715142237 @BG111538371 I looked on iflights website.. I guess they are shipping them this way because the shortage that everybody is experiencing experiencing and the reason why everything is gone up up in price I honestly will never buy another iflight product again because of this... changes to f4 fc from f7 is definitely a down grade..

    Odpowiadać 17/11/2021
  • niggybrk6 @BG715142237 Well thanks guys. I actually came here to buy one. It might be wise to wait a while....

    Odpowiadać 30/11/2021
  • SM291282 Did BG do anything about false advertising?
    I just purchased this and put 2&2 together that they have put a cheap flight controller in F4 one and are still saying it's an F7 in the description
    what did you actually get F4 or F7 ?

    Odpowiadać 26/03/2022
  • BG715142237 not a thing my friend

    Odpowiadać 04/05/2022
  • BG715142237 no they just denied it thought I was lying cuz other people here in the comments said that they received the same thing so!

    Odpowiadać 04/05/2022
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