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richealc 01/03/2018
I tested on pi 3, it works well. however, 1. It may need further calibration to make the touch screen right position touch, however there is no information to show how to calibration process. If there is no need to pointing calibration, then the touch screen has off while using touch to active little icon. 2. there is one yellow lighting symbol stationary on the screen around right-hand upper corner after raspbian boot up. no information if it can be removed which I believe can. please provide information to remove it. it is so annoying to occupy large portion of this screen.
Komentarze (2)
  • roykaandorp The lightning symbol means that the power adapter to your raspberry does not provide enough power. Use a power adapter with at least 2A, sometimes a bad cable can cause the issue.

    Odpowiadać 02/03/2018
  • the lighting bolt means you are not providing enough power to your pi

    Odpowiadać 16/10/2018
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