Moduł czujników GY-91 MPU9250 BMP280 10DOF Akcelerometr Żyroskop Kompas dziewięć osi
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Works! Included: Adafruit_BMP280 library and SparkFunMPU9250-DMP library. To let an ESP32 with OLED work together with BMP280/MPU9250 is a bit tricky, you have to use the following pins and I2C addresses: const uint8_t I2C_SDA_PIN = 5; const uint8_t I2C_SCL_PIN = 4; const uint8_t I2C_ADDRESS_BMP280 = 0x76; const uint8_t I2C_ADDRESS_MPU9250 = 0x68; const uint8_t I2C_ADDRESS_OLED_DISPLAY = 0x3C; You have to modify both libraries to use the pins above (and not the standard ones) for ESP-32-with-OLED, because the OLED requires already usage of PIN4 and PIN5.
Shipping really fast. The board works as expected. It is nice to have 10DOF in a single board. I replaced the MPU6050 with this board for a camera stabilization system. An article here: You can find the open-source code: It's a nice and simple project that combines: ESP32, 9g Servo Motors and the GY-91. All items bought here in Banggood! Here a Video: