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BG414616934 24/02/2024
This is a really handy unit to have. I already had a nice USB tester. However the ability to fully evaluate all the different modes on a PD or QC charger (not to mention a whole bunch of other protocols) is especially handy. Also good to be able to read the e-marker chips in higher wattage USB C cables. It will tell you exactly what the manufacturer claims the cable power capacity and USB version (e.g. speed) from the chip. It has the look and feel of a quality product, along with quality packaging and well thought out user interface for such a simple thing. Pretty easy to figure out. My pictures show tests of a charger, resistance readings from a couple of cables, as well as a cable chip readouts. All cables tested so far haven't had a manufacturer listed. Not sure if that is because they are off brand cables not from major manufacturers that do not include an ID.. The manual is pretty good. The one thing it could really use is a menu tree for reference. I plan on creating one. Not sure if I will be able to add that to the pictures later. If so I will post it later. About the only tricky thing to learn is that for most of the PD tests you must power the unit from a 5 volts supply to the micro-USB (PC) connector so that the tester has power during interruption as the charger cyucles through the power changes requested by the test. I just tested the cables and charger from my last Banggood order. Moving forward I will test all future purchases.
Komentarze (2)
  • BG414616934 I have created a menu tree PDF I am happy to share. Just contact me.

    Odpowiadać 01/03/2024
  • BG414616934 I had hoped to post my menu tree, but don't seem to find a way to update photos.

    Odpowiadać 01/03/2024
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