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BG101043904 11/04/2021
As it's been windy since I received it, I haven't had much of an opportunity to fly it. I put it up three times in good wind and it still flew and performed awesome! The F4U Corsair is my father and my favorite classic warbird. I'm looking forward to posting pictures and video of this and the mini P-51 I intend to purchase to match the larger Volantex P-51 768-1, I own as well. but these things are fast,easy to fly and a blast right out of the box, Totally loved my purchase.
Komentarze (2)
  • CrashResearch I just have to wonder why I ordered mine 29 Jan and it's been pushed to the beginning of March. However, if I were to order it today I could have it by the end of this month to the 5th. Oh, they told me at the beginning the 19-22 of Feb. shipment within the us is good. How can " air parcel delivery" take so long?

    Odpowiadać 17/02/2022
  • CrashResearch What is the difference between the eashine and volantex models, just the name? I just got the eashine Corsair, looking forward to flying.

    Odpowiadać 09/03/2022
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