Dostawa do United Kingdom , USD
Najlepsza pozytywna recenzja dla %s na Banggood, Kupuj najlepiej %s w najniższej cenie na Banggood. Przed zakupem przejrzyj najbardziej pomocne pozytywne recenzje dotyczące %s., zabawki rc, sport rozrywkowy, moda, popularna elektronika
alishanmao 10/03/2019
One of the best and totally addicting Soccer robots. since we got them, my kids do not want to stick to iPad or games. They just want to have a soccer match with me or together. These football robots should come with a warning. Highly Addicting Super easy to operate and playing football is extremely fun with these robots. we make a large area football ground for these robots and they are simply amazing for tackle and kicks to goals. These are the best Football robots ever.
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