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BigToe 31/03/2022
The jig arrived well packed in a cardboard box with no damage and with no parts missing. All parts are will made and have a feeling of real quality. It is well worth paying the small amount extra for the plastic storage case, which has the internal foam cut outs to accommodate all the various parts of the jig. There are a lot of small parts on initial delivery,, notably grub screws, and care is needed to ensure none inadvertently end up on the floor as finding them could be a mission. The Jig went together well in all configurations and I was impressed with its quality, Once it is disassembled to be replaced in the plastic box there are a number of small parts that would be easy to lose on opening closing. I remedied this by putting them in a couple of small plastic "pill bottles" and putting some tape around the three allen keys to keep them together. and there was still room left in the two storage compartments available for them. Once the jig has been used it is clear both how efficient easy and effective it is, although the lack of instructions is an issue I think should be addressed. However, doing a search on YouTube will get come excellent videos demonstrating the use. I can't remember the actual one, but there is a video which seems to come from Eastern Europe and is subtitled that demonstrates the use as it should be. Some of the others don't indicate all of the jigs facets properly and it is worth looking specifically for the video I've mentioned. All in all, this is an excellent jig and at the price it seems unbeatable to me.
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