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Najlepsza pozytywna recenzja dla %s na Banggood, Kupuj najlepiej %s w najniższej cenie na Banggood. Przed zakupem przejrzyj najbardziej pomocne pozytywne recenzje dotyczące %s., zabawki rc, sport rozrywkowy, moda, popularna elektronika
artmezs 30/12/2020
This order came quicker than most. I was lazy and delayed testing. But after I got a wireless USB driver for a "neopixel" string on Amazon, I decided to try it on this and another similar 8 x 32 part and both worked fine with that controller. This allowed me to check the functionality of these devices in a couple of minutes. A great time saver and it let me stay lazy and not lookup a way to test it (them) with an Arduino or similar device. However came up with the design idea is a genius.
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