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Najlepsza pozytywna recenzja dla %s na Banggood, Kupuj najlepiej %s w najniższej cenie na Banggood. Przed zakupem przejrzyj najbardziej pomocne pozytywne recenzje dotyczące %s., zabawki rc, sport rozrywkowy, moda, popularna elektronika
artmezs 10/08/2022
I wish they would have stated how small your feet have to be to "fit" into this. I have a US size 12 foot and this is so very painful to use -- like a foot torture instead of foot therapy. I'm not going to spend my money to ship it back to China with a risk that it will "never show up". I will just write this off as a poor investment and yet another instance of China not being up to international standards of open disclosure, warranty, and assurance that Chinese products are meant for a world market.
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