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artmezs 12/06/2022
I don't understand why this doesn't want to register power. I plugged it into my phone that was running at 0.45A with a regular cable, so about 2.5 W, but the display was blank and occasionally registered 1 or 2 W. I tried it on an 0.25 A LED load and it showed a 1 but it's so small and dim that it's too hard to see. The display never looks as clear and vivid as the "simulated" illustration! Also, this blocks power negotiation of my Gen 3, 10 inch Fire Tablet, which only draws 0.45A with this cable versus 1.42A on a "plain" USB-C cable (at 5V). When I use it with a PD tool that forces the output to be 9, 12, or 20 V, it does show higher power loads almost correctly, but still low compared to my 0.2% accurate multimeter. I didn't bother complaining to the company I bought it from, since they did not design nor manufacture it, and it's too expensive to send back. This was an over-priced disappointment.
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