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DViler 23/03/2022
The switching supply arrived with visual damage on front corner aluminum case-bended,Inside case I hear some piece that it is moving,open the alu case Im find that the rottor of the coolingt fan felt downjQuery111305089826816733989_1648024457398Install the rottor on its place,made straith of alu plates near potensiometers and made runnig test.It is looking that it is in working condition.Ihope that under load fan will starting!! The product should be beter protected to avoid mecchanical damage or stress!! Brgds
Komentarze (2)
  • Banggood Dear customer, We appreciate your comments and sorry for the inconvenience caused. The defect may happen due to  the packaging and long distance shipping. So the package may not be in good status when reaching to customers on some rare cases. However, we will try our best to avoid this problem happening again. For this problem, we kindly suggest you contact our customer service by  this link:Personal Computer: will do our best to assist you after we receive the email.Thanks for your understanding and have a nice day.Best regards,Banggood Team

  • BG441854324 Iam curious how this problem will be solved. You will follow the discussion

    Odpowiadać 07/07/2023
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