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barrios 21/05/2020
It says 300mL Hypochlorous Acid Water Making Machine Disinfection.. so it should produce Hypochlorous acid (HOCl). However, in NOwhere in the sent product is the term HOCl or Hypochlorous acid is written. Neither on the box or in the instructions book. I want to know what exactly this product that is sent to me produces, the Free Chlorine concentration in ppm and the pH value? If it is the common bleach, I DIDNT WANT IT. I bought a product that makes Hypochlorous acid (HOCl). Please, I waited about a month for this. If it actually produces HOCl.. the machine that is sent to me actually works great and makes the clear liquid in 8 minutes. As it should be in HOCl, it smells like newly cleaned swimming pool :) I just don't understand, why there is no statement about Hypochlorous acid in anywhere.. just Hypochlorite and bleach... We already have bleach in all the markets in cheap prices..
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