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Ronald 26/08/2020
A nice collection of bold and nuts but received it in a very bad condition. As you can see at the pictures it was rather messy. Packing was damaged and I hopefully received it all but not sure that it is complete. There were holes in the bag and the inner packing was also broken. It will take some hours to sort it all out now and if there is some time I will count if I received it all complete. China, please improve your packaging!!!
Komentarze (3)
  • mikelewis They are not stainless steel either.

    Odpowiadać 17/12/2020
  • emr_industries they don't look like stainless steel bolts to me

    Odpowiadać 22/12/2020
  • CookieBang In der Beschreibung steht Edelstahl, das heißt nicht Rosten nicht Magnetisch, Edelstahl oder Stahl was bekommt man nun wirklich? Also wenn jemand meint ein Standard Stahl St37/ und er verkauft St52 Stahl (bessere Vergütung St52) sei Edelstahl der hat eine Lücke im Wissen. Nicht schlimm Mann kann lernen!

    Odpowiadać 23/05/2021
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