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Elpida Chrissou 03/02/2021
Excellent led strip !!! Exactly as described !!! With 300 led lights per roll (5m) they are an money for value as others have only 150 led lights per roll (5m) . I have already one installed and I bought 4 more that's says a lot !!!!
Komentarze (2)
  • alexfotograful Sowere you able to connect them in series ?

    Odpowiadać 14/09/2021
  • Elpida Chrissou @alexfotograful No you cannot connect them in series . They have two different plugs each one for one strip of 5 meters. I started each strip from the middle of the ceiling and I glued one strip from the left and one from the right. If you connect them in series the last leds of the strips won't be bright as the first ones and it is not pleasant to the eye.

    Odpowiadać 23/09/2021
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