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BG414616934 07/04/2024
KEEP THIS IN MIND. This doesn't convert voltages. It simply requests a particular voltage from the PD compatible power supply/charger. It can be used in two ways. First it can confirm if your PD supply can provide the different voltages. Basically a tester. Secondly, this can be used to adapt a PD charger into a fixed voltage output power source. So, if you need a 12 volt power supply this could create one from a PD programmable output supply. Appear to be well made. I only tried a very quick test so can't say yet if they work, but they do respond to pressing the button. It is rather sophisticated but appears to work on it's own without having to add anything. Adding a tiny voltmeter is a nice thing to do so you can verify what the power supply is putting outafter the decoy requests PD voltages. I advise purchasing the version with no terminal, or screw terminals. The version with the USB-A socket is a disaster waiting to happen as it can deliver more than 5 Volts to a device expecting 5. Could be a disaster.
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